

Scaling an MSP Network with TruPeer

Kaseya is a large, publicly-traded software company in IT and security management. A big player in the MSP (managed service providers) space, Kaseya hired Little Taller to develop and design a custom platform for their growing network of sellers and resellers.

Kaseya is a large, publicly-traded software company in IT and security management. A big player in the MSP (managed service providers) space, Kaseya hired Little Taller to develop and design a custom platform for their growing network of sellers and resellers.

Empowering MSPs to Grow around Kaseya Solutions

Kaseya’s revenue has skyrocketed in large part thanks to their MSP network and TruPeer program. The TruPeer program is the backbone of the MSP support network that sells and services Kaseya products.

TruPeer is a lucrative priority for Kaseya. The program curates MSPs and equips them with tools and resources to grow their personal business and professional skills. Participants receive training, go-to-market tools, and peer-to-peer networking opportunities.
The calendar functionality is extremely intuitive and effective. Through TruPeer peer-to-peer networking, meetings have specific cadences and can be organized as prescriptive meetings with templated to-do lists.
TruPeer meetings are hyper-interactive. Participants are displayed on screen and can be seen engaging throughout the discussion. MSPs can ask and answer questions through chat functionality, share documents, and establish ongoing collaboration.
Part of the TruPeer concept involves helping MSPs with their personal business planning. MSPs pay to participate in the program because TruPeer sets them up to grow their business around Kaseya solutions.
MSPs who take part in peer-to-peer networking experience something similar to a Vistage leadership group. Activities include personal and professional planning and development and the execution of those plans. Through this, there is a lot of secure data and file share and chat discussions.

Little Taller continues to manage all design, development, and infrastructure support for Kaseya and the TruPeer program. It’s been inspiring to see how Kaseya manages and engages with their MSP network to grow their business, their internal team, and the MSPs together.